Multi-family residential housing LE VOLTE is included into the Sheet 1 maps 300, 884 and 885, is allocated in Biassono, Monza and Brianza province, at the intersection between Gramsci street and Trento Trieste street.
It is near the center of the country, a few minutes footing it from city hall, elementary school, asylum, middle school, also from 221 line public transport, that can connect you with the center of Monza and its train station, as well as with Milan subway.

The residence is consisting on two apartment buildings, separated each other with private gardens; they offer two floors above ground for apartments and basement for garages, wine cellars and Condominium services.
In every building there are 2 apartments in each floor; one apartment on the first floor extend over two levels: so you can find on ground floor 2 three-rooms apartment and 2 four-rooms apartments; on the first floor 2 four-rooms duplex and 2 four-rooms apartment.
Each accommodation at ground floor holds a large portico opened at the private garden. While, regarding upper floor there are terraces with the same largeness. All of them are allocated in the east and in the west, where you access from living or cooking area, ensuring an excellent brightness of rooms and an immediate and convenient usability of the open spaces: this is an ideal allocation for bioclimatic point of view.
This design can also ensure an optimal usability for external places. Moreover, the distribution typology regarding home spaces is such as to allow the maximum user’s flexibility to satisfy a good variety for needs.
Each apartment presents view on 3 sides, east, north-west and eats-south-west, guaranteeing for everyone a good exchange of natural air, in addition to the heat recovery ventilation system, and a good lighting during all hours of the day.
The living rooms, where we spend more hours through the day, are allocated in the East to exploit all the sun’s brightness. Moreover, the presence of deep terraces or porticos guarantee the locals’ summery shadow and thus, the cooling for the environment during the hottest hours. At the same time, it allows the transfer of sunrays during the winner season when these are below the horizon optimizing the thermic gain.
In the south, over bedroom windows, we allocate wooden horizontal sunblind, to mitigate the solar irradiation during the central hours in hot summer days, increasing the rest quality. Therefore, the slow temperature induces the body to the rest and the falling asleep helping the natural process of cooling during hours sleeping.
These apartment buildings are located along the north-south axis; this reason and a professional shell-machinery system allows the achievement of an excellent energetic class, in according to NZEB (Near Zero Energy Building) come into force from 01.01.2016, with all advantages from the high quality of life as well as the considerable energy saving and the reduced carbon dioxide emission.
The south part of the roof is realized in wooden structure by a round insulated flap with thermo-insulating panels, to achieve the “cool roof” solution, one more time in according to NZEB rules.
In according to the applicable legislation about energy saving, environmental impact, safety of use, and to the European Directive 89/106/CE, we installed in each building an innovative elevator system, able to recover 60% of the used energy during lift travel, making it available for the next one, ensuring the regular function also in case of the extended black-out.
Designed and build for being positioned in energy class A4, Le Volte holds new technological systems, such as: outdoor indipendent monoblock heat pump for hot water and for underfloor heating by radiant panels, in addition to produce cold water in summer for cooling, using reverse cycle of heat pump, a power ventilation system with extraction in automatic control for a permanent change in domestic air, also equipped with dehumidifier and heat recovery, photovoltaic system, electric system in level 2, in compliance with news provisions established by CEI 64-8 law VII edition.
This electric system is supported by home automation, including: antitheft alarm system, that you can also control by your mobile phone or any other electronic device, Video-door-phone, The management of all motorized roller shutters and the loading management, with separation of the all underlying appliances at the circuit F.M. oven, dishwasher, washer, except fridge and the induction plate that hold own circuit dedicated to independent priority, to avoid unfavorable black out generated by overpassing the limit of the contractual capacity which is established by ENEL.
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